Category: Education Gun Violence Bible Study

Gun Violence Bible Study

March 24, 2016

The MUMC Mission Committee offers this 3-session Bible study addressing gun violence, 12:00-1:30PM, on consecutive Thursdays.  Titled “Kingdom Dreams, Violent Realities,” this series was developed by the United Methodist General Board of Church & Society, using the Biblical passage Micah 4:1-4 to reflect on this alarming issue.  Each session examines a specific dimension of gun violence: the global proliferation of small guns (March 17), domestic gun violence (March 24), and gun violence in our schools (March 31).  Each session stands alone, and the entire program is free of charge.  If you are interested in attending, please contact Pastor Tim or Jeanne K. by Sunday, 3/6, so that they may prepare a packet of materials for you.  You are invited to bring a sack lunch.

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