Grace Frees and Unites Us

I love to reflect on grace. It calms my soul and gives me purpose for living and for all my experiences. Grace frees and unites.

Why do I ignore this grace and listen to the lies? Somehow I believe that what I have isn’t good enough. I worry that if I give it away and it isn’t received that there is something wrong with me. Life is full of many opportunities to get lost in the interruptions and find other ways to live that are about hard work, proving my worth, and finding happiness. Finding joy and purpose are good things, but without receiving grace, I miss out on an internal love and peace that shapes all my connections.

Receiving grace doesn’t always seem simple to me. Often I experience it when I take a risk and make mistakes or through conflict with other people. I learn to give myself compassion and pray for wisdom in the next step. I find when I am kind to myself, I want more to be kind to others. In my humanity I become more humble before my God. This can give me courage to break down the walls with my fellows and go deeper in conversations. My fears and struggles can be a bridge to bring me to the Spirit and to others in my community. Often I see them as barriers in my life, yet without them, I wouldn’t have experienced God’s grace.

Finding Rest in the Challenges of Life

Many days I feel overwhelmed by the demands and expectations I put upon myself to do and be all that I think I should. Even when much of life seems good and blessed, there are always triggers and emotions that come up that bring out the broken pieces of who I am and my own insecurities. I see so much need and people I wish to connect with, I can get lost in it all, and frozen in place.

It is the foundation of my faith, that gives me a sense of grounding and space to process where God is at work in my life. I can often see various focuses in certain seasons of my life, and areas where God is stretching me to surrender more, accept more grace, and bring God into places where I keep trying to work through on my own.

This year I have been focusing a lot on my health. Making long forgotten doctor appointments, eating better and intensifying my exercise routines. I notice with exercise that there is a balance in keeping a routine, pushing myself some, and giving myself rest. When I keep a routine, I am more likely to exercise and fit it into my schedule. When I push myself beyond my current capabilities then I see my body strengthen and change, and my fitness level improve. If I do too much or injure something, I have to modify and do different things awhile to let myself heal. The rest allows me to recover, especially after a hard day.

In my spiritual journey, it is also a process of striving for growth and transformation. My morning time with God is very precious to me, and allows me to read, reflect and take in God’s wisdom and love. I feel myself being pushed into many different areas, as I strive to find a balance where I don’t crash and burn. I see how my God is strengthening me in a lot of areas, as I enter new territory, and still bringing up past issues that need healing and grace. As I walk in relationships with others, vulnerability and honesty can bring up insecurities, it is also the place I receive love, wisdom and forgiveness of my own humanity. Just as in exercising, where injuries can be part of the game, I have setbacks and have to create protections for a time in some places that are just too weak to carry the load. Rest is crucial, where I take time to just be, listen to my God, and hear the Holy Spirit at work.

Even with all the challenges of this life, I am so grateful that God’s grace is so much greater. When I look and watch for the light, I find something new. Today, I will listen for God’s voice and Spirit in what lies before me. What is my next step? Is there something I need to let go of? What are the gifts I am to receive? Where am I to pause? Who should I reach out to today?

May God’s grace guide us as we walk this journey together!