I have been planning on blogging on Pastor Becca’s series on the Spirit at the same time as she was preaching. I have created a new section on the web to reflect on her sermons called Wisdom and Faith (under Worship tab) so those who want some inspiration could have a place to go. It can become discouraging in this pandemic to be in this space of endurance without a clear vision of what the future might entail. Though I can’t always see the path, I find hope in connecting with the Spirit.
Regardless of what is going on in life, the living water rejuvenates me. Just as taking a shower revives and cleans me, sipping the living water revives and cleans my soul. In my day to day life, I often don’t reflect on the amount of water I take. I take sips of water throughout my day, and it is often part of the foods I eat. Generally I might be falling short of what my body needs, and choose to live with less nourishment and energy than is available to me.
My spiritual intake has a similar impact. In the morning, I spent some time before my God in mediation, reading and journaling. Throughout the day however, I can get lost in my activities and anxieties, that I don’t see nearly as much of God’s living water that I am surrounded by. I can see it in nature and the beauty around me, but I truly only see a spec of the life that is waiting for me.
I pray today, I might slow down to see a little more of that living water. As I enjoy the rain outside, I also find the spirit inside of me and in you. May I continue to find ways to fit in the water I drink into my daily life, so I can be reminded of the gifts freely given that bring healing, peace and restoration to all that is broken.
In Spirit and Life,